Looking for Special needs tutor in Νησιά Β. Αιγαίου ? Create job ad for free!
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Ratings listed in Nannuka for providers in in Tutoring στα Νησιά Βορείου Αιγαίου

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Tutoring providers in Νησιά Β. Αιγαίου are rated 5 out of 5 stars based on 33 reviews of the 3,036 listed providers

Tips from Maria

Not finding what you're looking for? Why not post a job for free and let them come to you?

How can i know if the special needs tutor i see is qualified to teach my child?

Easily, as long as you prefer to choose a special need tutor with the indication “verified profile”. That means that Nannuka’s team has met the tutor in person, has background checked his diplomas and certifications and identity papers and has contacted the previous employers that have given him references. This is a very important first check that enables you to have the interviews in a more relaxed way since you know that you have a trustworthy person in front of you.

Is there a way to choose a special needs tutor with a particular expertise, for example autism?

There is a very straightforward way. In the category “Special Care” that you will find on the left of the search page  choose between the specialisations mentioned: ADHD, autism, down syndrome, etc. The search page will lead you to those profiles that correspond to the special needs tutor expertise you have just highlighted.


Can i know the availability of the special need tutor before i contact one?


Each special needs tutor profile includes a handy calendar where one has posted the time (days and hours) he or she is available. In that way, you skip those teachers that you know in advance that can meet your timetable needs and you save time.


Can i find a shadow teacher for my child?


In Nannuka, you can find experienced shadow teachers that have the typical qualification to stand by a child and assist him or her with its school performance. Choose the one that corresponds to your child’s needs according to your criteria.


Are the fees the special need tutor charge the same with those of the tutors?

Tutoring children with special needs demands a certain kind of expertise. Special needs tutors have undergone theoretical and practical education to be able to assist a child in such a sensitive field. The prices they charge their services are proportional to their education, experience and the type of deal you will actually agree upon, in which Nannuka by no means intervenes.