Nannuka Family

Care for all

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180.000+ families
trust Nannuka
to find reliable carers

What people say about carers

How does Nannuka work?

Find trustworthy care or a well paid job in 3 easy steps

Smart search

Through smart tools, searching for a professional or a job becomes easy and fast.

Find a match

By upgrading to Premium, you get unlimited communication and initiate collaboration based on your needs.


Write your own review after your collaboration. The best stand out!

Start with a job post like thousands of families

View popular job posts from other families and post your own for free.

New verified carers, everyday

Why trust us

Verification process
Verification process

Each profile has its own level of verification. Check it before you get in contact.

Meet up with carers
Meet up with carers

Feel safe as we have interviewed them in person.

Reviews from families
Reviews from families

Read reviews from other families before you meet a candidate

Safety net
Safety net

We have created procedures for promoting or removing carers.

Handy tools
Handy tools

Use the filters to find the perfect match for your family.

A solution for all
A solution for all

We are in search of the best profiles so you always have options.

One subscription for all needs

One subscription for all needs

Οnline access to thousands carers with reviews Ι Document verification for greater safety Ι Unlimited communication with all carers Ι Fast, easy access to contact details Ι Access to unique experiences


for 1 month

No time for an online search? Find out more

Care for all, everywhere