Terms of Use

This website www.nannuka.comhereinafter called the Website, property of NANNUKA INTERNET SERVICES SINGLE MEMBER PRIVATE COMPANY, a company incorporated and operating under Greek Law, with registered seat in Athens, Attica, 5 Kifisias Avenue with TIN 800570717 Tax Office Psychiko and Registration Number in the Commercial and Industrial Chamber of Athens (ACCI): 129884901000. The company «NANNUKA» offers through its Website information to visitors about the providing services, but also the possibility for them to use the website www.nannuka.com according to the following terms and conditions. Prior to the use of such services, the visitor/user should read them carefully. If the visitor/user is not agreeable to them, he/she should not make any use of such services, otherwise by any such use it will be considered as a complete acceptance of the present terms and conditions by the visitor/user.

The www.nannuka.com website is an online platform that provides online services and advice to parents and professionals working with infants, children and elderly persons or offering household care.

Through the "application" individuals providing services to infants, children and elderly persons or offering household care, referred as  "professionals" hereinafter, can create profiles for their services, and parents, referred as "users" hereinafter, can navigate on the platform, can be informed and book services through Nannuka.com. Nannuka does not participate in any way in the agreement concluded between professionals and users. Users agree directly with the professionals for the services they select. Nannuka has no supervision or responsibility for the behavior of professionals, users or any third party making use of the platform and disclaims any liability.

The Company reserves the right to alter or amend the applicable terms and conditions for the use of the Website at any time. Such changes, modifications, additions or deletions to the terms and conditions of use will be effective immediately following their communication, which may be given by any means including, but not limited to the posting of new conditions of use on the website. The visitor/user is requested to check the content of the terms of use for any changes and revisions. Any use or continued use of the website after such change or modification or renewal or revision shall be deemed to constitute acceptance by users of such changes, modifications, additions, deletions, etc. These revised terms will exceed all previous versions of the Terms of Use.

1. How does Nannuka Work

The platform can be used in order to create profiles for professionals that offer care services to infants, children, elderly people or household care and pets. Families or individuals can make a reservation of such services. Anyone can navigate in Nannuka and see the profiles that are published, but in order to book services or to publish a profile an account should be created.

As mentioned above, Nannuka provides an online platform for professionals and users to learn about the online services and make a reservation by professionals. Nannuka does not provide services related to infants, children and elderly persons and the responsibilities are limited to providing availability of the platform. Therefore, the responsibility for the selection and booking of any kind of service for infants, children and elderly persons or housework service belongs to the user.

Nannuka is unable and does not control the content of the professional profiles nor the provision, quality, conditions, suitability or legality of services for infants, children and elderly persons or household care from its users.

The NANNUKA platform allows all its members to submit evaluations after an interview or collaboration. Evaluations, due to personal data protection (GDPR), can be conducted either anonymously or with the contributor's name disclosed. No evaluation can be deleted, but it will be reviewed by the Nannuka team if it falls under: A) An assessment containing characterizations that offend the company's ethos or the individual being evaluated, B) Repeated evaluations on multiple platform members without proper documentation. The verification process is the same for all platform members.

2. Terms and Conditions for Professionals

In order to provide services for infants, children and elderly persons or household care and pets through the Website, you must fill out the registration form found online and create an account (the "Profile") as a professional.

By registering, sending your data and creating a profile you give permission to Nannuka in order to proceed with the verification process for security reasons for the information used online.

Therefore ensure that the information you provide to Nannuka are true, reliable and correct. Additionally, always ensure that you let Nannuka know if there will be changes to such information.

By completing and sending the online registration form, via the Website, you will receive an e-mail message (Hereafter "Electronic Confirmation Message ") to the email address you used during your registration. This confirmation message will contain information on how to activate your profile.

By registering you agree to the Terms and Conditions and to the Privacy.

You must keep your registration information on the Site (the "Entry Information") confidential and secure. Without prejudice to any right and remedy available to Nannuka, Nannuka reserves the right to disable your Entry Information and suspend your access to the Site if the Nannuka has some reason to believe that you have violated any of the provisions specified herein.

Only with your registration as a professional, and if you agree to the terms and conditions, the website will provide services such as those described below.

Apart from the registration requirements described in Section 2.1. of this document you acknowledge and agree that for the registration process as a professional some additional verification procedures may also be required.

In the event that a professional does not use the services through the NANNUKA platform, they can deactivate their profile account and activate it whenever they wish, after contacting our representative, without the need to re-verify the personal information already registered on the company's platform, except for any modifications that need to be communicated to NANNUKA. However, if a professional wishes, for any reason, to delete their profile, they can do so through the account settings, while NANNUKA, upon their request, securely deletes all their personal data entered in its database and informs the professional via email that within 48 hours, NANNUKA will cease any communication with them. However, because when creating your profile on NANNUKA, your personal information, including photos, may be automatically collected by third parties such as Google and other search engines, you should contact these companies directly to delete your information, as NANNUKA bears no responsibility for this.

In the case of profile deletion by a professional, NANNUKA retains in its database the registration and deletion dates, reviews for the quality of service with ratings of 1* and 2* received from platform users, as well as the reason for their deletion from the NANNUKA platform. NANNUKA retains the above information for a period of 48 months for statistical purposes only. The identity information of the professional is kept in the NANNUKA database for 1 year in case there is a problem with cross-referencing personal information and is then securely deleted.

2.1. Nannuka Services to Professionals

The Nannuka services to professionals will include the following:

  • The possibility of creating a profile page (including an image and a video), which can be accessed by users
  • The ability to post comments and ratings for users, any other features and functions of the Services provided by Nannuka to you in the future.
  • The possibility of verifying your information and psychometric tests.
  • The ability to view data of parents.
  • The ability to register in the loyalty program of Nannuka.
  • The ability to find a job even if you are not an active Premium member (by the use of the Fast Track service which is available to all Premium families)
  • The ability to keep your contact details non visible if prefered 

2.2. Professional profile

You ensure that you are the provider of the Services that you publish in your profile.

You must ensure that your profile contains at least the following minimum information:

  • Information about your identity,
  • A description of your services and your interests
  • Recent photograph

Nannuka reserves the right to deactivate the professional profile that does not comply with any changes/additions/corrections to the profile after notification, either in writing or by phone, from the corresponding department. If these changes are not made within 48 hours, the profile will become inactive, and it can only be reactivated after a telephone call to +30 210 3610717. In the case of a Premium profile, the monetary amount is non-refundable.

2.2.1. Additional obligations of the professionals

By choosing to become a professional, in addition to your general obligations as a User of these Terms, you agree that any information you post yourself in a professional Profile and the preparation and the provision of services to users through the platform, must:

  • Be accurate, correct and up to date,
  • Provide all reasonable care in a way that is consistent with the standards of service you offer,
  • Not violate any applicable law or regulatory requirement, including the performance of sanitary rules when providing services for infants, children and elderly persons or household care.
  • Not act in a misleading way, or come into conflict in any way with any of the users, with laws on safety and services to infants, children and elderly persons, security of the house in which you work and e-commerce
  • Not act indecently and defamatory or in a way that Nannuka may consider aggressive-and / or inept.

For the use of Nannuka Services you should:

  • Keep safe and confidential all information at any time, including without limitation, communication and conversations between you and the users and all information related to the process of the Request,
  • Keep the use of Nannuka Services personal
  • Promptly update Nannuka if you have reason to believe or suspect that a professional or a user has violated any of the Terms.

You further acknowledge and agree that Nannuka maintains in its absolute discretion the right to delete your profile from the Website when any information uploaded or some other action no longer meets the standards, which are required for the professionals in the Website, upon a written notice to you.

The user has the right to evaluate the interview or collaboration with the professional (either openly or anonymously). If there are three negative evaluations from different users and the average rating is below 3/5 stars, the professional is automatically deactivated from the service and notified via email. Profile deactivation also occurs after a complaint or report from the user.

3. Terms and Conditions for Users

By registering as a user and having given your acceptance to these terms and conditions, Nannuka will provide to you professional search services such as those listed on the Website and in this section. You are considered as a User if you make requests through the Platform or if you post ads or if you review the professionals with which you have collaborated.

3.1. Users services

For the User, Services will include:

  • The ability to create a profile page,
  • The ability to search for professionals who have registered on the Website, and send a Request
  • The ability to communicate with professionals using the Site (3 requests/professional),
  • The ability to post an ad    
  • The opportunity to comment and rate the professional you have already communicated with
  • The ability to contact professionals via the service Fast Track (for Premium users only)
  • The ability to subscribe to the loyalty program (loyalty program) of Nannuka,

You acknowledge and agree that all requests are subject to acceptance by professionals.  Nannuka is not responsible for the actions of any of the two parties and also Nannuka does not guarantee that the obligations of each party will be fulfilled.

3.1.2. Further obligations of the User

You must always use Nannuka Services and the Site in accordance with these Terms. In particular, all content and material you upload to your Profile or used to construct your profile, must follow the terms related to the User Submissions as defined in the section of the Terms of this text.

As a user, you are responsible:

  • To verify the identity of any professional
  • Ensure that you have sufficient information to be associated with any health and safety risks, including the verification of whether the professional has the necessary expertise to provide services to the infant, child or elderly person or to work at your house or care for your pet.
  • Any comment or rating of each professional to be fair, honest and reasonable
  • To confirm the information provided by the professional

For the use of Nannuka Services you should:

  • Not provide information (including your profile) that you know is false, incorrect, incomplete, or either could be considered as a distortion of the facts,
  • Promptly inform Nannuka if you have any reason to believe or suspect that a professional or someone else has violated a term described above, or when a professionals’ profile is not authentic or is incorrect or inaccurate and/or incomplete.

You acknowledge that it is your sole responsibility as a user to decide if your services suit, and choose carefully the professional that will provide them to you. Although some professionals may receive positive reviews or comments on the services of the platform or other users, Nannuka does not guarantee the quality and safety of the services provided by professionals. Nannuka does not take part in any agreement or transaction between the User and the professionals and therefore cannot verify or certify in any way what the professionals claim (including any medical knowledge and certificates unless these profiles have passed the verification process of the data). Additionally it depends entirely on the users to share all relevant information concerning the child's or the baby’s or the elderly person’s health, allergies or anything else, or any issues regarding the house in which they will work or related information with your pet, before assigning services to a professional.

The professional has the right to evaluate (either openly or anonymously, for personal data protection) the interview or collaboration with the user. However, if there are three negative evaluations from different professionals and the average rating is below 3/5 stars, the user is automatically deactivated from the service and notified via email. Profile deactivation also occurs after a complaint or report from the professional.

The use of the website is subject to the provisions of the Greek, European-Community and International Law, which are binding for each visitor/user. The latter shall comply fully with them. Furthermore, the user/visitor shall use the website's content and services pursuant to the applicable legislation, fair practices and present terms of use, refraining at the same time from any action that might contest the ethics and personality of other visitors/users or cause problems to the site's proper functioning.

4. Economic policy

Nannuka uses payment management services from a third party to process your payments. Nannuka cooperates with:

A) Viva SA Payment Services, e-money institution licensed by the ECB for operation within EOX-3, (Hereinafter referred to as «Viva Payments») with officially registered seat at Arcania Business Center, 18-20 Amaroussiou Halandriou Avenue, 15125, Maroussi, Athens.

Viva Payments provides services for the issuance, use and management of electronic payments. These services are provided on the Website as a means of payment for employment search services to professionals. By registering in Nannuka (as a professional), you agree to be bound by the Terms and Conditions of Viva Payments.

B) The "Piraeus Bank SA", as legally represented. Piraeus Bank SA is registered in the Companies Register of the Ministry of Economy, Competitiveness, and Shipping (GCR 225 501 000) and supervised by the Bank of Greece, with officially registered seat in 4, Amerikis street 105 64, Athens. Piraeus Bank provides services for the issuance, use, and management of electronic payments. These services are provided on the Website, as payment from users to professionals for services for children, infants, and elderly persons and to find suitable professional. By registering in Nannuka (both as a professional and as a user), you agree to be bound by the Terms and Conditions of Piraeus Bank.

C) EveryPay. Recognizing the importance of electronic payment security, EveryPay is a licensed Payment Institution by the Bank of Greece (Decision No. 280/3 / 23-7-2018 GG B 3010 / 25-7-2018), and manages securely card payment transactions, in accordance with the regulatory framework of the card transaction security management standard. Everypay is certified in accordance with the PCI DSS compliance standards. All Everypay services are made through secure connections with 256bit SSL certificates. EveryPay also supports the ability to use the 3D Secure service, an additional security token for VISA, MasterCard & American Express. 

4.1. Billing and Payments

The charge on your credit/debit card will be made upon preliminary inspection and certification of the data and the validity of, through the payment management service you use. The billing amount should be available and will be held with the order confirmation. To make your purchase through the website, you will have to follow the instructions found on it. In the purchase form that you find, you should complete the number and expiration date of the data of your credit/debit card and you will be asked to accept the monthly/yearly renewal of your subscription. You are solely responsible for the proper recording and the truth of your credit card and you must be the holder of the credit/debit card used for the transaction.

The sales receipt will be uploaded to your account upon completion of the purchase process.

4.1.1 Subscription Period

The monthly fee for our services will be billed monthly according to your payment method on the calendar day started your subscription. The yearly fee for our services will be billed yearly according to your payment method on the calendar day started your subscription.In some cases, the date of the charge can be modified, for example, if the payment is not settled or if your subscription started on a day that does not correspond in all months of the year.

4.1.2 Payment Methods

You can change the card you have chosen to pay by visiting the site and by going to "My Account". If a payment fails due to expiration of the card, insufficient amount, or whatever other reason, and you do not change or cancel your account, we may suspend access to our service until an arrangement of the payment.

This results the changing of the billing date. For certain ways of payment, the Provider of the card may charge taxes and extra charges. You should check this with your card provider.

4.1.3. Charges -Renewal- Examples

All charges take place (at the earliest) 24 hours before the expiration of the subscription. Example 1: If a subscription expires on 10/11/2017 10:00, the charge will take place on 09/11/2017 10:00. In case the charging fails (due to insufficient amount, card expiration or any other reason), the user will receive a message that the charging has failed and that his subscription will end. If the user sees the message, he can log into his account and add a new card and a while later the system will try again to charge the new card. In this manner, the user has the opportunity to renew his subscription before it ends. If the subscription expires, the user will have to pay again the initial amount. Example 2: In some cases, the package expiration time will be 00:00 at midnight. In these cases, the charging will take place at 00:00 at midnight of the previous day. In other words, in the above-mentioned example, the charging would take place on 09/10/2017 00:00. For this reason, it is advisable that the cancellation of the subscription by the user takes place at least two (2) days before (for example, on 09/11, 23:59), so that the user will have adequate time to deactivate his subscription.

4.1.4 Cancellation

You may cancel your subscription whenever you wish, and you will continue to have access to Nannuka services until the expiration date of the subscription for which you have already been charged. Nannuka does not provide refunds or credit for partial use of the service. You can cancel your subscription from your profile or you can contact the customer service department of Nannuka, on the tel.no +30 210 3610717 Monday to Friday 10:00-18:00 or at info@nannuka.com in order to receive instructions on how to cancel your subscription. The company has no responsibility if the users themselves do not do the cancellation.

4.1.5 Changes in pricing and charges

Nannuka has the right to change price lists without prior notice and without prior information of the user, only after prior notification of the impending change via the website in accordance with the provisions of current legislation. We may change the supply and/or charges at any time by notifying you in writing, by e-mail message or through the use of the Application. The continued use of the Application, after prior notification, shall be considered automatically as an acceptance by you of the new Notice and/or Charges. If you do not agree with the changes in supply and/or charges, you may terminate your agreement with us, by canceling your subscription. In case you are willing to purchase other services or products that can be provided for a fee, you authorize Nannuka to charge/ choose the payment provider for these services and/or of the products you may buy.

4.2 Payment and Return Policy

In order to use Nannuka services, the user should be financially aware in recurring monthly/yearly subscription at Nannuka, according to the current price list, as displayed in detail on the Website. 

4.3 Points (Credits) Duration Policy:

The credits earned by users are valid for 6 months (180 days) from the date of acquisition. After this period expires, the credits are automatically deleted and can no longer be used. The points provide a discount on our services for Basic members, allowing them to upgrade their subscription or enjoy other benefits. The company reserves the right to modify the validity period or the terms of use of the credits, with relevant notification to users through the website or other communication channels. Users are responsible for redeeming their credits before the expiration date, as once the validity period has passed, the credits will not be refunded or reactivated.

5. Additional Guarantee Exception for Professionals

You acknowledge and agree that NANNUKA only gives you the convenience to provide services for infants, children, elderly people or pets and household care as a professional. NANNUKA does not guarantee that you will find the appropriate users or generally achieve any further result.

You acknowledge and agree that your use and reliance on any information contained on the Website should be done at your own risk and our part will not be considered responsible for any damage and loss that can occur as a result or in connection with your use and reliance on such information. You are obliged to conduct your own research and make sure you comply with the requirements that apply to you. Nannuka will not be held responsible for any of your own failure to comply with any applicable law and regulation that may apply to you when using the Platform.

You agree, furthermore, that Nannuka will not proceed to any identification of users that appear on the Website.

Therefore, Nannuka does not guarantee:

  • The updated character, completeness or accuracy of any user profile
  • That requests made by users are authentic
  • The identity of users who use the website.

You also acknowledge that Nannuka does not supervise and therefore is not liable for the behavior, responsiveness, and quality of users on the website.

You acknowledge and agree that you are solely responsible for the communication and subsequent transactions with users (including but not limited only to the conditions). Therefore, you, the professionals, indemnify Nannuka fully in case of claims for loss, damage, cost money, claims and costs caused to Nannuka (including but not limited only to such losses and damages caused to Nannuka regarding illness, disease or death of any that might arise from or in connection with your actions or omissions when using the Platform), arising from or in connection with any transaction on the Website.

5.1. Responsibility

If you agree to provide services for infants, children and elderly people or household care and pets as professional user, you expressly assume the risk of any damage, including any possible damage to your property or personal injury to you or someone else in the house. It is the sole responsibility of professionals to make decisions that are in the best interests of themselves and of the children, infants, and elderly persons or house.

We are not legally obligated to participate in consumer dispute resolution or arbitration procedures. As a first point of contact for complaints, we are available at the address: info@nannuka.com


6. Additional Guarantee Exception for Users

You acknowledge and agree that the Services provided by Nannuka are limited to offer you a platform to attempt to contact professionals. When using our services, the Nannuka does not guarantee:

  • That you will find services suitable for your personal requirements regarding your child, your baby, the elderly person or your house,
  • The status of each professional or that he conforms to any quality standard,
  • That the profile of the professional is authentic,
  • That the information and documents that appear in the profile of the professional are authentic, valid, accurate or otherwise complete on the identity of the professionals who use the Site.

As a user and professional, you guarantee that you will use the application services only for your personal use and not for any commercial purpose, including without limitation, resale of such services.

Nannuka is not responsible in any way for the quality or the provision of any Service by professionals. The services provided by professionals in accordance with the terms and conditions as they may be agreed between you and the professional.

If any dispute shall arise between you and any professional, you agree that Nannuka is not responsible for anything (including but not limited to any damage or injury) that might incur to you or to your child or to the elderly person or to your house during the procedure and you consider Nannuka irresponsible for anything that might incur or for any liability associated with that difference.

Comments and other material made publicly available on the Site or provided by Nannuka are not intended to be used as tips that one can trust. Therefore Nannuka disclaims any liability from the trust that a User may have in the Application or anyone who may be informed of its contents. Moreover, the responsibility regarding the decisions to be taken on the basis of information, tips and advice that you are given the Nannuka must remain exclusively personal to you.

Nannuka does not wish in any way to participate, nor can it be held responsible for any communication, transaction, meeting, arrangement or relationship between you and other Users. Therefore Nannuka recommends to you to take all necessary precautions when communicating with others, socialize and partake in social gatherings or meetings, including without trade restrictions with other Users.

7. Complaints and Termination

If you wish to make a complaint about another User for breach of any of these Terms, you may do so using the form "Contact Us", which is available on the Website. Nannuka will make reasonable efforts to respond to your complaint within a reasonable time and to take reasonable action, in order to resolve or correct the problem that causes complaints.

The Nannuka may suspend or terminate use of the Service and/or Application if:

  • Any third party provider of Nannuka’s communication networks has stopped its services for Nannuka for any reason,
  • Nannuka believes that you or someone who uses your input data to the Web has failed to respond to one or more of these Terms,
  • Nannuka believes that you performed fraudulent use, misuse or abuse of the Services,
  • Nannuka believes that you have provided incorrect, inaccurate or misleading information.

Upon termination, your access to the Site ceases to exist and Nannuka has the right to delete your profile.

8. Copyright

The copyright of the content (eg programs, information, data) and Services website www.nannuka.com, introduced or will be introduced to the site of the "company" is protected by Greek, European and International copyright laws and belong exclusively to the "company" or their respective owners, and are provided to the visitors strictly for personal (non-profit or commercial) use.

The names, images, logos and distinctive features representing the "company" or third parties and their products or services are proprietary marks of the "company" or third parties protected by applicable trademark laws. Their appearance on the website should in no way be construed as a transfer or license or right to use them. Except for the specified exceptions (copyright of third parties and affiliates), all content of this website www.nannuka.com, including images, graphics, photographs, texts, services and all the files that Website, is intellectual property, distinguishing marks and trademarks and the "company service marks" and protected by the relevant provisions of Greek law, European law and international treaties. Therefore, none of them may be wholly or partially sold, copied, modified, reproduced, republished or "loaded", transmitted or distributed in any way. The user understands and accepts that he has no right to reproduce, copy, sell, resell and/or commercially exploit in any manner all or part of the contents of this website and therefore any copying, distribution, transmission is prohibited, processing, resale, create derivative works, or misleading the public about the real provider of the website's content. Any reproduction, republication, uploading, posting, or transmission or any other use of the content in any way or means for commercial or other purposes is permitted only with prior written permission of the "company" or any other copyright holder.

The "company" is making every effort so that the content and information displayed each time the site is as far as possible accurate and true but does not assume any responsibility for the reliability, completeness or timeliness. The "company" provides the content (eg information, names, photographs, and illustrations), products and services available through the website "EXACTLY AS IT IS" and without any kind of representation, approval or written guarantee, express or assumed, of satisfactory quality, suitability, inviolability of compatibility, security and accuracy. In any case, the "company" is not responsible for any legal or civil and/or criminal nature, nor for any damage (direct, special or consequential, which, without limitation, alternatively and / or cumulative form of loss of profits, data , lost profits, compensation, etc.) from site visitors or others on grounds related to the operation or not and / or use of the site and / or the failure to provide services and / or information available on the site and / and / or any unauthorized third party interventions in products and / or services or information available through it. The content and information included in this website constitute an offer to the user and the general community of Internet users and shall not in any circumstances be considered as valid information and/or advice and/or prompts, or hide any If any exhortation or dissuasion to whether or not these acts.

The "company" does not have any obligation to monitor the information provided by the users or is available from the system. You can find information from another seller that may be unpleasant, harmful, inaccurate, or misleading. The use of any transmitted information from our website is at your sole risk. Please use with caution, common sense and make secure trade information when using our site. Please note that there are also risks to transactions with minors or people with misleading information, or not authorized to represent them allegedly represented legal persons whose identity, the accuracy of declarations and intentions in no way control or secure.

Therefore, users of www.nannuka.com, using the services on their own initiative, undertake the responsibility of passing information provided. In the "company" website may include or be included in future forms of advertising. The existing and any new services included in the "company" website are subject to these terms of use, unless explicitly stated otherwise. The user of the website services of www.nannuka.com understands and accepts that "as is" and all pages / services provided by the "company’" disclaim any liability related to the limited duration, deletion, poor performance or failure to store any data (data) of the user and / or any personal pages / services.

The user is responsible for access to the services of the website www.nannuka.com and access may require the payment of fees to third parties (eg internet service providers, charging the Internet access time). The user is solely responsible for the payment of the relevant fees. The user is solely responsible for his personal equipment with the necessary technological means that enable access to the services of the website www.nannuka.com.

The use of this website is solely for lawful purposes and in a way that does not restrict or prevent its use by others. The user is obliged to use the website in accordance with the law, morality and these terms, and not to engage in actions or omissions that may cause damage or malfunction to the site, adversely affect or endanger the provision of the "company" services.

This website may include links to third party websites and the "company" is not responsible for the content of these pages and for any damage caused by their use, as the visitor has access to them with his own responsibility. The "company" does not control the availability, content, policy of protection of personal data, the quality and completeness of other websites and pages referred through "links", hyperlinks or advertising banners. Therefore, for any problem arising during the visit/use, the visitor/user should go directly to the respective websites and pages, which bear the entire responsibility for providing their services. The "company" in no way can be deemed to embrace or accept the contents or services of websites and pages referred to or linked to them in any other way.

The "company" strives for the proper functioning of the network but does not guarantee that the functions of the website or the servers will be uninterrupted, error-free, free of viruses or other harmful elements.

Taking into account those specified in these terms and because www.nannuka.com is a venue for any dispute you have with one or more alleged, third-party operators or users you expressly exempt the "company" (and their officers, directors, agents, our employees, and agents of any general person acting in the name and on our behalf) from any such claim, demand and harm positive and / or negative of any kind and nature, known and / or unknown, future or vested even if this cannot be stipulated, that may arise in each case with such difference and the general use of our application.

Given the nature and volume of the Internet, under any circumstances, including negligence, the "company" is not responsible for any damage suffered by the visitor/user pages, services, options and content of this website to make on own initiative. The contents of www.nannuka.com are provided as is, with no warranty expressed or implied in any way. To the fullest extent under the law, the company disclaims all warranties, express or implied, including, but not limited to, those which involve the merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. The "company" does not guarantee that the pages, services, options, and content will be uninterrupted, error-free or that errors will be corrected. Also, there is no guarantee that the same or any other related site or servers (servers) through which they are made available to users/members are free of "viruses" or other harmful components. The company is not in any way guarantee the accuracy, completeness or availability of content, pages, services, choices or their results. The cost of any corrections or services is borne by the visitor/user and in no event shall the company. The access and use of the site implies full acceptance of these terms and the use of the company's services implies full acceptance of the Terms for Service Provision, as they appear in the respective services.

Any provision of these terms to be against the law ceases to apply and removed from the present, without in any way affect the validity of other conditions. This constitutes the entire agreement between the company and the visitor/user pages and services, and only binds them. No modification of these conditions shall be taken into account and be a part of that agreement unless expressed in writing and incorporated in it.

These terms of use are governed by Greek law. Should a dispute arise in connection with these terms it shall be brought exclusively before the courts of Athens.

Latest update: 10/01/2024