design and creation of TasosNikolaou

Find your Hotel Nanny!

To begin the selection process, please request a reservation and let the journey begin. Service guarantee! In case you need a better understanding of our service, please consult our FAQ or contact us at or call +30 6942437961.

Our nannies have been trained on all COVID-19 safety and hygiene protocols.

I am checking availability .

MyTheir family name is .

( happy to meet you ! )

IThey need a babysitter in .

( Please state location as well as the name of the hotel or bnb of your staying. )

IThey want your service for ,

from to .

( Choose at least 3 hours per day. If you want different time intervals for every day click here.)

IThey have , which areis years old.

( A babysitter can service up to 2-3 children, depending on age groups. )

In order to start ourtheir adventure, you can reach me at , and you can send me your proposal at .

and have a Good !