A babysitter usually spends an evening or an afternoon at someone's house, playing with or caring for kids while their parents are away. Search your babysitter by area, age, years of experience. Read profiles, references and reviews and contact them for an interview.
In Nannuka.com you will find qualified baby nurses to take care of your child during the day and help the new mom with feedings, naps, diaper changes, and baths. View their profiles and references and book them instantly.
Preschool teachers take care of children from 2 to age 4 to whom they play games, be read to, or play with toys with. In nannuka.com you will find qualified and trustworthy preschool teachers to take care of your children.
A midwife provides care in pregnancy, childbirth, postpartum, and well-woman health care. She is educated to recognize the variations of normal progress of labor and deal with deviations from normal to high risk situations. View CV profiles of midwives and reviews from other parents and get in contact with the one that suits your needs.
A tutor is a private teacher, particularly a person who teaches a single student or a small group of students. When a student is struggling with a particular subject, a tutor is hired to help him or her to grasp that subject easily. Search for private tutors by subject, view qualifications, reviews from other parents.
Special educational needs (SEN) teachers work with children and young people who have learning difficulties (dyslexia etc), disabilities or developmental disorders (autism). View their profiles, ratings and references and get in contact with them instantly.
Professors are certified professionals that give private lessons to students who need help with specific subjects like Maths or English. View their profiles and book your private lesson instantly.
From the comfort of your home and at a time convenient for you, learn a foreign language with one of the qualified and top-rated foreign language tutors hosted in Nannuka.com. Get in contact with them and book your private foreign language lesson.
Music teachers are professionals that provide instruction in music performance and theory. Find music teachers for private music lessons in your area whether you want to learn the piano, play the guitar or practice singing. View their profiles in Nannuka.com and book them instantly.
Speech and language therapists work closely with babies and children who have various levels of speech, language and communication problems, and with those who have swallowing, drinking or eating difficulties. In Nannuka.com you will find qualified and top rated speech therapists for your children.
Elderly carer is the person responsible for the fulfillment of the special needs and requirements that are unique to senior citizens. Services provided may vary from assisted living, adult day care to hospice care and home care. Find trustworthy elderly carer on nannuka.com and give to your loved ones a life with dignity.
A geriatric nurse is responsible for the elderly care during or after their hospitalization. They contribute to the prevention, treatment and rehabilitation of patients. They provide nursing care and monitor their pharmaceutical treatment.. Find nurses for home care on nannuka.com and feel safe as your loved ones are in good hands.
A reliable housekeeper is responsible for house cleaning, maid service, cooking and laundry. Some housekeepers- maid positions also provide childcare assistance. Browse profiles and you will find a cleaning lady for temporary, permanent or part time positions.