“Safety First”
Our top priority is to keep our clients and nannies safe and healthy and to help public health authorities fight the spread of the virus. It is essential to follow the official NPHO information.
Travelling to work safely
- Wherever possible, nannies will avoid public transport and instead walk, cycle or drive to the premise required. Where public transport is unavoidable, social distancing will be followed. The Government is also recommending (but not requiring) people to wear face coverings on public transport and this will be suggested to all nannies. This is to help prevent the virus spreading in case you have it asymptomatically.
When entering the Hotel premises
- All nannies are strictly asked to change their clothes when entering the Hotel premises, BEFORE entering the family room. All hotel staff is kindly asked to coordinate this with the nannies upon arrival.
When entering the family room
- When entering the family room, all nannies wear face shields and leave their shoes next to the door (or to the designated space provided by the Hotel) and wash their hands properly. Each child is being given an individual Nannuka kit with creative play material in protective packages.
Special forms to be completed and approved by the Hotel Guest Family
- Relevant COVID safety guides will be added into all babysitting forms and the Guest Family will be asked to read and sign upon agreement with the protocols provided. Face shields are mandatory for all nannies during the babysitting service unless otherwise stated on the form in written.
How we’re supporting our nannies
- We have three trained, experienced nannies on staff who are available to support all team members with any individual issues and information required.
- Sending our nannies a daily tips & activity ideas, in addition to their own programming & idea specifics.
- Giving our nannies tips on how to safely play with the children while avoiding unnecessary touching (each other or the premises)
- Access to a private group of Nannuka nannies where they can get ideas and support from each other as well as from us
- Emphasizing coronavirus safety to our nannies, including frequent hand washing and social distancing in their non-nanny lives
Frequent training for nannies
- All nannies must complete our rigorous online training prior to being introduced to your clients. This remains unaffected. However, we have temporarily paused our in person First Aid training and have moved this online instead. We also now include a module on Covid-19.
Handling a suspected case of COVID-19
- If a hotel guest meets the criteria of the COVID-19 case definition in presence of the nanny, the procedure below must be followed:
The hotel staff is being informed by the nanny and then the hotel health official must contact NPHO at 210 5212054 or 1135 hotline ( 24/7) to declare the suspected case and receive guidance on how to handle the case. The patient is advised to remain in his room and keep the door shut along with the family members that accompany. When hotel staff takes over, the nanny is immediately released of her duties, exits the premises in mask and gets into quarantine mode with no services provided by her for the next 2 following weeks.
The hotel management will be informed by THNS management regarding the nanny’s information- name, nationality, check-in and check-out date, contact information (address, telephone number, e-mail), to facilitate the communication with all individuals who came in close contact with a later confirmed case of COVID-19.