Families see your profile and can contact you. Stand out with an updated and complete profile.
By upgrading to Premium, you start expressing your interest in all job posts. You are one step closer to your next job.
As a verified Premium member, you get access to the phones of 7 Premium families. You take control of your job search.
Thousants of jobs every month for every age, for every experience.
Stand out with our top-notch vetting process and other easy-to-use tools.
Online meetings with a representative of our team fir additional assistance.
Mechanisms to promote or remove employers have been created for your own protection.
Possibility of personal development through certified seminars.
Job posts in Greece and abroad with good salaries for strong canditates.
Οnline access to thousands of job posts | Easy-to-use tools for maximum promotion | Unlimited communication with all employers | Quick access to phones | Promotion of Services
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